I’m feeling stronger than I have in the past six months. This past weekend I spent more time out of bed than I did in bed which hasn’t happened in a long time. I’m back to work this week.
So what’s next?
I follow up with all of my doctors in April. I get X-rays of the titanium hardware in my back. I meet with my neurosurgeon. I meet with my infectious disease doctor to see how the antibiotics are doing at treating the infection in my spine. I follow up with oncology to make sure things are heading in the right direction. I continue to work with my integrative medicine naturopath to focus more on my general health, strength, and diet.
When I will be fully recovered from the cancer and the chemo is unknown. When my hair will come back is unknown. It’s different for everyone.
What I know is next is a series of celebrations now that I’m getting strong enough to handle them.
Ready. Set. Go.