Sometimes my thoughts run astray. My attitude starts to sag. My energy wanes. I get confused about where I am and ultimately just how blessed I am to be here. I start thinking about the worst case scenarios instead of how great God is. Then I get a reminder…
Yesterday was one such reminder…
While I was in the prep area for the operating room, a child was rolled into the room next to me. This innocent 4 year old child screamed and cried in pain while the nurse put in an IV for her procedure. I don’t know why she was there or what procedure she was being prepared for but it sure made my pain and hurt feel small in comparison. It made me feel so thankful that I’m the one going through this and it isn’t one of my kids. Having a son the exact same age really tugged at my heart.
I wouldn’t wish this condition on anyone but I am glad it’s me and not my son. I’m glad it’s me and not my daughter. I’m glad it’s me and not my wife. I’m thankful for that reminder yesterday. Now I remember where I am and, by comparison, there are much worse places to be…