Cancer is downright expensive. So far, my medical bills total $447,000. The back surgery alone was $160,000 and chemotherapy runs about $15,000 every 3 weeks.  Now, more than any time in my life, I am thankful for an employer and their health insurance coverage.  I am grateful that our portion of these bills is something we can manage.  I am also thankful for short term disability insurance coverage.  For the 3 months I’ve been unable to work (and for the time it takes me to work up to full time again), my income has been replaced with disability insurance checks covering two thirds of my normal paycheck.  That still leaves a mighty gap in income.  How have we managed to get by?

As many of you know, we became debt free this summer.  The part of our monthly budget that would have gone to debt payments is almost equal to the reduction in pay coming in now.  In the financial respect, there was no better time in our family’s history for me to get cancer.  I can’t help but see God’s perfect timing in this.

Interested in our story and how we got out of debt?  Here’s my testimony below.  There’s a class coming up that is how we got started.  Consider checking out this video and signing up for the class.  If the class isn’t for you, we’ve bought a bunch of copies of the book that will take you through the 7 steps we used to get to where we are.  We’re happy to share them for free with anyone who will read it!

Categories: Captain Seth