After reviewing my CT scan, my oncologist is happy with the results. No new tumor growth and nothing abnormal to report. Therefore, there is no change to my treatment plan. That means in 3 weeks (on Valentine’s Day) I will get my last R-CHOP chemotherapy dose. About two weeks after that I’ll go back into the hospital for another methotrexate dose to ward off any brain tumors. That will complete my treatment.

They will confirm that I’m in remission with a PET scan and then monitor me long term to make sure nothing comes back. That will mean oncology visits every 3 months and CT scans every 6 months for the foreseeable future. If I stay in remission for 2 years, there’s a 90% chance I’m cancer free and it won’t return. They call it “cured” if I’m in remission for 5 years.

This is great news! There is an end in sight and lots of hope that this treatment has done its job. I am thankful to all the doctors and nurses who have cared for me, an understanding boss, and for all of you who have kept me in your thoughts and prayers over the course of this treatment. Thank God for answering so many prayers that have led us here.

-Captain Seth

Categories: Captain Seth