Captain Seth
Released from Hospital
I am being released from the hospital a day or two early. I get discharged in a few hours! The methotrexate level in my blood dropped from 0.98 to 0.09 in the last 24 hours. That’s “close enough” to get off the IV and injections and go home on some Read more…
Captain Seth
I never knew how bad it really was…
I’m glad I never saw this picture until my most recent PET scan was clear. This was the first PET scan I got (six months ago). Black=Cancer (except for the brain which always shows up black on PET scans). I now see how widespread and severe my situation was, why Read more…
Captain Seth
Visitors Welcome
Many people are asking how we’re celebrating the good news of my clean PET scan. Unfortunately, I’ll be in the hospital the next 4-5 days recovering from my final brain chemo dose. Visitors are welcome (just no cold/flu/cough/runny nose and unfortunately no kids). They infused my chemo from 11pm to Read more…